Thursday, March 25, 2010


Cleaning house and moving furniture around must have steered my mindgrapes in regards to my web perusal, today.  One cool-looking/ exotic furniture thing led to another and what you reap from all of this is today's post -- and when you're done reading this, clean up after yourself -- your mom doesn't work here!!

-Although it is just conceptual, I can already imagine this
homage to video game greatness sitting in the play room--for my kids, of course.

-Here is an incredible design that just goes to prove that even the most mundane of furniture can be turned inside out by
clever design and optical illusions.

-An awesome example from the
less-is-more school of design.

-Speaking of less, are your living conditions feeling a little cramped?  Try this amazing transforming furniture and multifunctional living solutions that only look like your grandmother's stuff -- if it were made from pure bad-assness.

-To say I love books would be putting it lightly.  So instead of piles and piles of greatness littering your home like literary land mines, let
one of these ideas  give you some of your living space back.

-While we are on the literary trip, this might not be the most practical bookshelf I have ever seen, but it definitely is the
most kick ass.

-I am all about a little pampering and relaxation, and this is one of the sexiest looking means of relaxation I've ever seen.

-So you have all the elements in place and world domination is at your fingertips, but are you forgetting something?  Well thanks to me,
now your not.

-Letting the geek flag fly, I couldn't sign off of a furniture blog without dropping something we all might think is pretty cool, but wouldn't know where the hell to put it if we ever got our hands on one!!

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